Anyone who has the habit of speaking before God's majesty as if he were speaking to a slave, careless about how he is speaking, and saying whatever comes into his head and whatever he's learned from saying prayers at other times, in my opinion is not praying. Please, God, may no Christian pray in this way.
Teresa of AvilaHow friendly all men would be one with another, if no regard were paid to honour and money! I believe it would be a remedy for everything.
Teresa of AvilaGod never changes; Patient endurance Attains to all things; Who God possesses In nothing is wanting; Alone God suffices.
Teresa of AvilaThe saints rejoiced at injuries and persecutions, because in forgiving them they had something to present to God when they prayed to Him.
Teresa of AvilaIt constantly happens that the Lord permits a soul to fall so that it may grow humbler.
Teresa of AvilaMy father was a man of great charity towards the poor, and compassion for the sick, and also for servants; so much so, that he never could be persuaded to keep slaves, for he pitied them so much: and a slave belonging to one of his brothers being once in his house, was treated by him with as much tenderness as his own children.
Teresa of Avila