To love someone means that you sometimes are fulfilled the most by putting thier deepest desires above your own.
Terry GoodkindTo question me onceis a simple mistake, Lieutenant. Twice is treason. We execute traitors.-Kahlan
Terry GoodkindEveryone has an effect on others. Some people inspire others to do great things. Some take people into crime with them. Those with the gift affect those around them even more.
Terry GoodkindCharity, if you have the means, is a personal choice, but charity which is expected or compelled is simply a polite word for slavery.
Terry GoodkindThere were those who loved liberty, who cried out to live their own lives, to strive, to rise above, to achieve, and those bent on the mindless equality of stagnation brought about through the enforcement of an artificial, arbitrary, gray uniformity--those who wanted to transcend through their own effort, and those who wanted others to think for them and were willing to pay the ultimate price.
Terry Goodkind