Before I found Minerva, I'd passed nights with more than my share of women." Thorne groaned. Don't. Just don't. "I've passed time with duchesses and farm girls, and it doesn't matter whether their skirts are silk or homespun. Once you get them bare--" Thorne drew up short. "If you start in on rivers of silk and alabaster orbs, I will have to hit you.
Tessa DareForgive me, Your Grace. Are you suggesting a woman is some sort of โฆ piece of fruit to you? One squeeze, and you know if sheโs ripe?
Tessa DareI'm not going to accept your challenge. There will be no duel." "Why not? Because I'm a woman?" "No, because I've seen the way you spinsters handle a pistol. You'd shoot me dead where I stood.
Tessa DareWhat on earth are you wearing? Did you take orders in a convent since we spoke last? Little Sisters of the Drab and Homely.
Tessa Dare