The Jews who will it shall achieve their State. We shall live at last as free men on our own soil, and in our own homes peacefully die. The world will be liberated by our freedom, enriched by our wealth, magnified by our greatness. And whatever we attempt there for our own benefit will redound mightily and beneficially to the good of all mankind.
Theodor HerzlIf you will it, it is no dream; and if you do not will it, a dream it is and a dream it will stay
Theodor HerzlUniversal brotherhood is not even a beautiful dream. Antagonism is essential to man's greatest efforts.
Theodor HerzlIf anyone thinks that Jews can steal into the land of their fathers, he is deceiving either himself or others. Nowhere is the coming of Jews so promptly noted as in the historic home of the Jews, for the very reason that it is the historic home.
Theodor HerzlWhat We want is to make it possible for our unfortunate people to live a life of industry for it is by steady work alone that we hope for our physical and moral rehabilitation. For this reason above all we have undertaken to rally our people around our ideal.
Theodor Herzl