It is only by having desire thwarted, and thereby learning to control it — in other words, by becoming civilized — that men become fully human.
Theodore DalrympleThere is nothing an addict likes more, or that serves as better pretext for continuing his present way of life, than to place the weight of responsibility for his situation somewhere other than on his own decisions.
Theodore DalrympleThe aim of untold millions is to be free to do exactly as they choose and for someone else to pay when things go wrong.
Theodore DalrympleThe need always to lie and always to avoid the truth stripped everyone of what Custine called 'the two greatest gifts of God-the soul and the speech which communicates it.' People became hypocritical, cunning, mistrustful, cynical, silent, cruel, and indifferent to the fate of others as a result of the destruction of their own souls.
Theodore Dalrymple