The immigrant must not be allowed to drift or to be put at the mercy of the exploiter. Our object is not to imitate one of the older racial types, but to maintain a new American type and then to secure loyalty to this type. We cannot secure such loyalty unless we make this a country where men shall feel that they have justice and also where they shall feel that they are required to perform the duties imposed upon them.
Theodore RooseveltNever, never, you must never either of you remind a man at work on a political job that he may be President.
Theodore RooseveltIt's not the critic who counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of the deeds could have done better.
Theodore RooseveltThe mass of the American people are most emphatically not in the deplorable condition of which you speak.
Theodore RooseveltI must be wanting to be President. Every young man does. But I won't let myself think of it; I must not, because if I do, I will begin to work for it; I'll be careful, calculating, cautious in word and act, and so - I'll beat myself.
Theodore Roosevelt