Why on earth do you carry a mirror around with you?” “It's purely a defensive device. We seldom quarrel, and this is one of the reasons. Can you imagine yourself getting all worked up and contorted and illogical and then coming face to face with yourself, looking at yourself exactly as you look to everyone else?
Theodore SturgeonAsk Baby can you be truly part of someone you love." "He says only if you love yourself.
Theodore SturgeonMy wife is beginning to instruct me on means to retrieve dreams, and bit by bit, it does seem to be working.
Theodore SturgeonA good science fiction story is a story with a human problem, and a human solution, which would not have happened at all without its science content.
Theodore SturgeonEven if this is the end of humankind, we dare not take away the chances some other life-form might have to succeed where we failed. If we retaliate, there will not be a dog, a deer, an ape, a bird or fish or lizard to carry the evolutionary torch. In the name of justice, if we must condemn and destroy ourselves, let us not condemn all life along with us! We are heavy enough with sins. If we must destroy, let us stop with destroying ourselves!
Theodore Sturgeon