The internet makes it much easier for politicians to communicate directly with voters - think of the interest when David [Cameron] launched WebCameron, or Tony Blair's rather embarrassing attempt to catch up on YouTube.
Theresa MayUnder my leadership the Conservative Party will come back together in the interests of the whole country.
Theresa MayWe should no longer seek to have Budget surplus by end of Parliament. We should avoid tax rises.
Theresa MayWe're getting rid of bureaucracy, so that we're releasing time for police officers to be crime fighters and not form writers.
Theresa MayThese modern means of communication are one reason why I recently opposed the Government's decision to grant MPs a new communications allowance. With new technology giving us the opportunity to communicate directly with voters very cheaply, why did Labour MPs vote for a £10,000 allowance to tell voters what a good job they do?
Theresa May