It's the way I make music, I will take two ideas and smash them together and if they sit well together for me then that's fine, and it's the same with the lyrics - if I see a couple of lines and I like the way they look on the page then I'll use them. I find they take on a meaning of their own, it's very difficult to explain how I actually go about all that.
ThighpaulsandraI write all the time, I've got a big, thick, old ledger book that I write stuff down in. I used to watch TV and write things that people would say and now I tend to get it more out of books and from conversations with people I meet.
ThighpaulsandraI'm not the fastest reader or writer but occasionally I'll write things down just so I don't forget them.
ThighpaulsandraWhen I only had one or two synthesisers you learn how to do everything on those things and you know them inside out. I think that's the best way to be with them.
ThighpaulsandraGoing to public school is like living in bubble, you have no concept of what other people do.
ThighpaulsandraAs a person who has a pretty short attention span I think of music like that, completely. That's why I can quite happily change genres mid-song.
ThighpaulsandraI tend to work in the mornings, then take a few hours off in the afternoon to walk the dog, and then come back and work in the evening. So, if I can remember my pre-dog walking music when I get back then that's fine, I'll kind of commit to those bits, but if I can't remember them I'll just move on to something else.