And if thy heart be straight with God then every creature shall be to thee a mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine for there is no creature so little or so despised but that sheweth and representeth the goodness of God.
Thomas a KempisTrust not to your feelings for whatever they might be now, they will quickly be changed towards some other thing.
Thomas a KempisMay not be your peace in the mouth of the men; since no matter if they thing good or bad about you, you should not be a different man because of that.
Thomas a KempisRemain tranquil and prepare to bear still greater trials. All is not lost even though you be troubled oftener or tempted more grievously. You are a man, not God. You are flesh, not an angel. How can you possibly expect to remain always in the same state of virtue when the angels in heaven and the first man in paradise failed to do so? I am He who rescues the afflicted and brings to My divinity those who know their own weakness.
Thomas a Kempis