Evil denotes the lack of good. Not every absence of good is an evil, for absence may be taken either in a purely negative or in aprivative sense. Mere negation does not display the character of evil, otherwise nonexistents would be evil and moreover, a thing would be evil for not possessing the goodness of something else, which would mean that man is bad for not having the strength of a lion or the speed of a wild goat. But what is evil is privation; in this sense blindness means the privation of sight.
Thomas AquinasThe truth of our faith becomes a matter of ridicule among the infidels if any Catholic, not gifted with the necessary scientific learning, presents as dogma what scientific scrutiny shows to be false.
Thomas AquinasA song is the exultation of the mind dwelling on eternal things, bursting forth in the voice.
Thomas AquinasAn act of love always tends towards two things; to the good that one wills, and to the person for whom one wills it.
Thomas AquinasMan has free choice, or otherwise counsels, exhortations, commands, prohibitions, rewards and punishments would be in vain.
Thomas AquinasOne day when Thomas Aquinas was preaching to the local populace on the love of God, he saw an old woman listening attentively to his every word. And inspired by her eagerness to learn more about her God whom she loved so dearly, he said to the people: It is better to be this unlearned woman, loving God with all her heart, than the most learned theologian lacking love.
Thomas Aquinas