He that obstinately denieth the truth before men upon earth, wilfully refuseth his soul's health in heaven.
Thomas AquinasThe same fire" (which he decides to be material) " torments the damned in hell and the just in purgatory...The least pain in purgatory exceeds the greatest in this life.
Thomas AquinasGod himself would not permit evil in this world if good did not come of it for the benefit and harmony of the universe.
Thomas AquinasGod should not be called an individual substance, since the principle of individuation is matter.
Thomas AquinasGood and evil are essential differences of the act of the will. For good and evil pertain essentially to the will; just as truth and falsehood pertain to the reason, the act of which is distinguished essentially by the difference of truth and falsehood (according as we say that an opinion is true or false.) Consequently, good and evil volition are acts differing in species.
Thomas Aquinas