Those who have read history with discrimination know the fallacy of those panegyrics and invectives which represent individuals as effecting great moral and intellectual revolutions, subverting established systems, and imprinting a new character on their age. The difference between one man and another is by no means so great as the superstitious crowd suppose.
Thomas B. MacaulayA politician must often talk and act before he has thought and read. He may be very ill informed respecting a question: all his notions about it may be vague and inaccurate; but speak he must. And if he is a man of ability, of tact, and of intrepidity, he soon finds that, even under such circumstances, it is possible to speak successfully.
Thomas B. MacaulayThe great cause of revolutions is this, that while nations move onward, constitutions stand still.
Thomas B. MacaulayThe history of nations, in the sense in which I use the word, is often best studied in works not professedly historical.
Thomas B. Macaulay