It is the common wonder of all men, how among so many million faces, there should be none alike.
Thomas BrowneGrave-stones tell truth scarce forty years. Generations pass while families last not three oaks.
Thomas BrowneAs for those wingy mysteries in divinity, and airy subtleties in religion, which have unhinged the brains of better heads, they never stretched the pia mater of mine; methinks there be not impossibilities enough in Religion for an active faith.
Thomas BrowneMen that look no further than their outsides, think health an appurtenance unto life, and quarrel with their constitutions for being sick; but I that have examined the parts of man, and know upon what tender filaments that fabric hangs, do wonder that we are not always so; and considering the thousand doors that lead to death, do thank my God that we can die but once.
Thomas Browne