Age doth not rectify, but incurvate our natures, turning bad dispositions into worser habits.
Thomas BrowneThe mortalist enemy unto knowledge, and that which hath done the greatest execution unto truth, has been a preemptory adhesion unto authority.
Thomas BrowneGod hath varied the inclinations of men according to the variety of actions to be performed.
Thomas BrowneMiserable men commiserate not themselves; bowelless unto others, and merciless unto their own bowels.
Thomas BrowneThough it be in the power of the weakest arm to take away life, it is not in the strongest to deprive us of death.
Thomas BrowneHe is like to be mistaken who makes choice of a covetous man for a friend, or relieth upon the reed of narrow and poltroon friendship. Pitiful things are only to be found in the cottages of such breasts; but bright thoughts, clear deeds, constancy, fidelity, bounty and generous honesty are the gems of noble minds, wherein (to derogate from none) the true, heroic English gentleman hath no peer.
Thomas Browne