What are your Axioms, and Categories, and Systems, and Aphorisms? Words, words.... Be not the slave of Words.
Thomas CarlyleSarcasm I now see to be, in general, the language of the devil; for which reason I have long since as good as renounced it.
Thomas CarlyleAnd there are Ben [Jonson] and William Shakespeare in wit-combat, sure enough; Ben bearing down like a mighty Spanish war-ship, fraught with all learning and artillery; Shakespeare whisking away from him - whisking right through him, athwart the big bulk and timbers of him; like a miraculous Celestial Light-ship, woven all of sheet-lightning and sunbeams!
Thomas CarlyleA fundamental mistake to call vehemence and rigidity strength! A man is not strong who takes convulsion-fits; though six men cannot hold him then. He that can walk under the heaviest weight without staggering, he is the strong man . . . A man who cannot hold his peace, till the time come for speaking and acting, is no right man.
Thomas Carlyle