Bathsheba loved Troy in the way that only self-reliant women love when they abandon their self-reliance. When a strong woman recklessly throws away her strength she is worse than a weak woman who has never any strength to throw away. One source of her inadequacy is the novelty of the occasion. She has never had practice in making the best of such a condition. Weakness is doubly weak by being new.
Thomas HardyA blaze of love and extinction, was better than a lantern glimmer of the same which should last long years.
Thomas Hardyyou are absolutely the most ethereal, least sensual woman I ever knew to exist without inhuman sexlessness.
Thomas HardyI want to question my belief, so that what is left after I have questioned it, will be even stronger.
Thomas HardyShe was at that modulating point between indifference and love, at the stage called having a fancy for. It occurs once in the history of the most gigantic passions, and it is a period when they are in the hands of the weakest will.
Thomas HardySomebody might have come along that way who would have asked him his trouble, and might have cheered him by saying that his notions were further advanced than those of his grammarian. But nobody did come, because nobody does; and under the crushing recognition of his gigantic error Jude continued to wish himself out of the world.
Thomas Hardy