The external part of religion is doubtless of little value in comparison with the internal, and so is the cask in comparison with the wine contained in it: but if the cask be staved in, the wine must perish.
Thomas Hartwell HorneObserve a method in the distribution of your time. Every hour will then know its proper employment, and no time will be lost. Idleness will be shut out at every avenue, and with her that numerous body of vices that make up her train.
Thomas Hartwell HorneNo cloud can overshadow a true Christian but his faith will discern a rainbow in it.
Thomas Hartwell HorneHe who seldom thinks of heaven is not likely to get thither; as the only way to hit the mark is to keep the eye fixed upon it.
Thomas Hartwell HorneMeditation is that exercise of the mind by which it recalls a known truth,-as some kinds of creatures do their food; to be ruminated upon.
Thomas Hartwell HorneThe riches of heaven, the honor which cometh from God only, and the pleasures at His right hand, the absence of all evil, the presence and enjoyment of all good, and this good enduring to eternity, never more to be taken from us, never more to be in any, the least degree, diminished, but forever increasing, these are the wreaths which form the contexture of that crown held forth to our hopes.
Thomas Hartwell Horne