The cause of Sense, is the External Body, or Object, which presseth the organ proper to each Sense, either immediately, as in theTaste and Touch; or mediately, as in Seeing, Hearing, and Smelling: which pressure, by the mediation of Nerves, and other strings, and membranes of the body, continued inwards to the Brain, and Heart, causeth there a resistance, or counter- pressure, or endeavor of the heart, to deliver it self: which endeavor because Outward, seemeth to be some matter without.
Thomas HobbesA Covenant not to defend myself from force, by force, is always void. For... no man can transfer or lay down his Right to save himself from Death.
Thomas HobbesThat wee have of Geometry, which is the mother of all Naturall Science, wee are not indebted for it to the Schools.
Thomas HobbesIntemperance is naturally punished with diseases; rashness, with mischance; injustice; with violence of enemies; pride, with ruin; cowardice, with oppression; and rebellion, with slaughter.
Thomas Hobbes