From behind the shadow of the still small voice — more awful than tempest or earthquake — more sure and persistent than day and night — is always sounding full of hope and strength to the weariest of us all, Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
Thomas HughesHeaven, they say, protects children, sailors, and drunken men; and whatever answers to Heaven in the academical system protects freshmen.
Thomas HughesBlessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for it is one of God's best gifts. It involves many things, but above all, the power of going out of one's self, and appreciating whatever is noble and loving in another.
Thomas HughesOld timidity has disappeared, and is replaced by silent, quaint fun, with which his face twinkles all over, as he listens.
Thomas HughesBlessed are they who have the gift of making friends,for it is one of God's best gifts.
Thomas HughesAt that moment his soul is fuller of the tomb and him who lies there than of the altar and Him of whom it speaks. Such stages have to be gone through, I believe, by all young and brave souls, who must win their way through hero-worship to the worship of Him who is the King and Lord of heroes.
Thomas HughesHe never wants anything but what's right and fair; only when you come to settle what's right and fair, it's everything that he wants and nothing that you want. And that's his idea of a compromise.
Thomas HughesChrist's whole life on earth was the assertion and example of true manliness — the setting forth in living act and word what man is meant to be, and how he should carry himself in this world of God — one long campaign in which the temptation stands out as the first great battle and victory.
Thomas HughesWe all have to learn, in one way or another, that neither men nor boys get second chances in this world. We all get new chances to the end of our lives, but not second chances in the same set of circumstances; and the great difference between one person and another is how he takes hold and uses his first chance, and how he takes his fall if it is scored against him.
Thomas Hughes