If anything pass in a religious meeting seditiously and contrary to the public peace, let it be punished in the same manner and no otherwise than as if it had happened in a fair or market.
Thomas JeffersonWere I to be the founder of a new sect, I would call them Apiarians, and, after the example of the bee, advise them to extract the honey of every sect. My fundamental principle would be ... that we are to be saved by our good works which are within our power, and not by our faith which is not within our power.
Thomas JeffersonI apprehend... that the total abandonment of the principle of rotation in the offices of President and Senator will end in abuse.
Thomas JeffersonI served with General Washington in die Legislature of Virginia...and...with Doctor Franklin in Congress. I never heard neither of them speak ten minutes at a time, nor to any but the main point.
Thomas JeffersonI never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as cause for withdrawing from a friend.
Thomas JeffersonThe question whether the judges are invested with exclusive authority to decide on the constitutionality of a law has been heretofore a subject of consideration with me in the exercise of official duties. Certainly there is not a word in the Constitution which has given that power to them more than to the Executive or Legislative branches.
Thomas Jefferson