The proposition of Mr. Ricardo, which states that a rise in the price of labour lowers the price of a large class of commodities, has undoubtedly a very paradoxical air; but it is, nevertheless, true, and the appearance of paradox would vanish, if it were stated more naturally and correctly.
Thomas MalthusIt is not the most pleasant employment to spend eight hours a day in a counting house.
Thomas MalthusHad population and food increased in the same ratio, it is probable that man might never have emerged from the savage state.
Thomas MalthusHard as it may appear in individual instances , dependent poverty ought to be held disgraceful.
Thomas MalthusThe first business of philosophy is to account for things as they are; and till our theories will do this, they ought not to be the ground of any practical conclusion.
Thomas MalthusThe proposition of Mr. Ricardo, which states that a rise in the price of labour lowers the price of a large class of commodities, has undoubtedly a very paradoxical air; but it is, nevertheless, true, and the appearance of paradox would vanish, if it were stated more naturally and correctly.
Thomas Malthus