The center of our being is a point of nothingness which is untouched by sin and by illusion, a point of pure truth.
Thomas MertonThe only true liberty is in the service of that which is beyond all limits, beyond all definitions, beyond all human appreciation: that which is All, and which therefore is no limited or individual thing: The All is no-thing, for if it were to be a single thing separated from all other things, it would not be All.
Thomas MertonIn our creation, God asked a question and in our truly living; God answers the question.
Thomas MertonIf you want to have a spiritual life you must unify your life. A life is either all spiritual or not spiritual at all.
Thomas MertonWhat is 'grace'? It is God's own life, shared by us. God's life is love. Deus caritas est. By grace we are able to share in the infinitely selfless love of Him Who is such pure actuality that He needs nothing and therefore cannot conceivably exploit anything for selfish ends. Indeed, outside of Him there is nothing, and whatever exists exists by His free gift of its being, so that one of the notions that is absolutely contradictory to the perfection of God is selfishness.
Thomas Merton