There were only a few shepherds at the first Bethlehem. The ox and the donkey understood more of the first Christmas than the high priests in Jerusalem. And it is the same today.
Thomas MertonGod has brought me to Kentucky...the precise place he has chosen for my sanctification.
Thomas MertonSpread abroad the name of Jesus in humility and with a meek heart; show him your feebleness, and he will become your strength.
Thomas MertonSilence has many dimensions. It can be a regression and an escape, a loss of self, or it can be presence, awareness, unification, self-discovery. Negative silence blurs and confuses our identity, and we lapse into daydreams or diffuse anxieties. Positive silence pulls us together and makes us realize who we are, who we might be, and the distance between these two.
Thomas Merton