When your tongue is silent, you can rest in the silence of the forest. When your imagination is silent, the forest speaks to you. It tells you of its unreality and of the Reality of God. But when your mind is silent, then the forest suddenly becomes magnificently real and blazes transparently with the Reality of God.
Thomas MertonThe sky is my prayer, the birds are my prayer, the wind in the trees is my prayer, for God is all in all.
Thomas MertonLiving is not thinking. Thought is formed and guided by objective reality outside us. Living is the constant adjustment of thought to life and life to thought in such a way that we are always growing, always experiencing new things in the old and old things in the new. Thus life is always new.
Thomas MertonGod has brought me to Kentucky...the precise place he has chosen for my sanctification.
Thomas MertonThe whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
Thomas MertonDo not be too quick to assume your enemy is a savage just because he is your enemy. Perhaps he is your enemy because he thinks you are a savage. Or perhaps he is afraid of you because he feels that you are afraid of him. And perhaps if he believed you are capable of loving him he would no longer be your enemy.
Thomas Merton