The ability to communicate is not something we are born with. We have to learn it and earn it.
Thomas S. MonsonWe should strive for steadiness, and for a commitment to God that does not ebb and flow with the years or the crises of our lives.
Thomas S. MonsonMiracles are everywhere to be found when priesthood callings are magnified. When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes. The priesthood is not really so much a gift as it is a commission to serve, a privilege to lift, and an opportunity to bless the lives of others.
Thomas S. MonsonHow you speak and the words you use tell much about the image you choose to portray. Use language to build and uplift those around you. Profane, vulgar, or crude language and inappropriate or off-color jokes are offensive to the Lord. Never misuse the name of God or Jesus Christ. The Lord said, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" (Ex. 20:7).
Thomas S. Monson