Remember that this greatness was won by men with courage, with knowledge of their duty, and with a sense of honor in action.
ThucydidesThey whose minds are least sensitive to calamity, and whose hands are most quick to meet it, are the greatest men and the greatest communities.
ThucydidesI am not blaming those who are resolved to rule, only those who show an even greater readiness to submit.
ThucydidesA private man, however successful in his own dealing, if his country perish is involved in her destruction; but if he be an unprosperous citizen of a prosperous city, he is much more likely to recover. Seeing, then, that States can bear the misfortunes of individuals, but individuals cannot bear the misfortunes of States, let us all stand by our country.
ThucydidesWar is an evil thing; but to submit to the dictation of other states is worse.... Freedom, if we hold fast to it, will ultimately restore our losses, but submission will mean permanent loss of all that we value.... To you who call yourselves men of peace, I say: You are not safe unless you have men of action on your side.