Customary greeting to Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, What's shaking, chiefy baby?
Thurgood MarshallMere access to the courthouse doors does not by itself assure a proper functioning of the adversary process.
Thurgood MarshallSome years ago I said in an opinion that if this country is a melting pot, then either the Afro-Americans didn't get in the pot or he didn't get melted down.
Thurgood Marshall[It is] a historic step toward eliminating the shameful practice of racial discrimination in the selection of juries.
Thurgood MarshallTo the contrary, the government they devised was defective from the start, requiring several amendments, a civil war and momentous social transformation to attain the system of constitutional government, and its respect for the individual freedoms and human rights, we hold as fundamental today.
Thurgood Marshall