I call myself taking control of a situation, but sometimes you really have to learn to humble yourself and to submit yourself. I'm not really good with submission, so that's the part of marriage and relationships that I've found very hard to deal with.
Tichina ArnoldA long time ago, when I was married, in the beginning it was bliss. I eloped after one month, and I married for security. I thought, 'I finally met a man who loves God and comes from a great family. I'm working, I love God, and I'm out here in California by myself, and I've met this great man.' So, I said yes. And we eloped.
Tichina ArnoldI think every person deserves two marriages, because you may not get the first one right. You really never knew. That's why divorce is so big. We all want it to last, but that's not always the reality of it.
Tichina ArnoldWhile there's plenty to be said for drive and talent, it was my parents' support that started me on the path that led me here today.
Tichina ArnoldWhen you're single, you're very independent. Very independent women raised me. We didn't have a lot of male figures as the head of our household, so I got, and took on, a lot of that strong spirit from the matriarchs in my family.
Tichina ArnoldEverybody's problem is not yours, regardless of marriage and relationships, and I think women sometimes have to shed "what we think it should be" and address "what it is".
Tichina ArnoldI like seeing things that you don't normally see. Black people are so diverse, we do so many things, we have given so much to this world - and we are constantly giving.
Tichina ArnoldIm a realist, not a sugar coater. I believe in always letting people know what their obstacles are. And at the end of the day, I just want to be respected for my hard work.
Tichina ArnoldOnce you're a mother, you're always a mom. So it doesn't matter if your child comes out green, purple, bisexual or whatever. That's who they are and you love them regardless. You guide them as best as you can. We must always proceed with love first and foremost.
Tichina ArnoldI think you have to include your legacy in everything that you do because it makes you proceed with a little more mindfulness when it comes to decision-making, and the lives that you will affect by your choices.
Tichina ArnoldI used to go with solid blue, but recently I've found that a mix of red and green is a better fit for my personality.
Tichina ArnoldIt's unfortunate that some people do not see what entertainers do in the background, but many of us do so much work with causes. You know some people have chewed me out, saying things like, "Oh why could you post pictures in your dresses and meanwhile they killing black men on the street?" I'm thinking, excuse me do you know what I did today? Do you know what I'm doing right now while I'm reading this post? So I think a lot of celebrities get a bad rap because people see the surface.
Tichina ArnoldAn innocent little human being was solely dependent on me! I took all the CPR and breastfeeding classes and learned quite a bit.
Tichina ArnoldThere are some universal elements when it comes to motherhood - especially for Black moms. Black women are selfless. Many women think of their children before they think about themselves.
Tichina Arnold