When dreams come true in reality they never feel the same as when you imagine them, and you know what that means? It means that no matter how good things are, maybe they’ll never be good enough, and there’s something seriously wrong with that.
Tiffanie DeBartoloFor me, the release was a spot in time with no past and no future. Just the extraordinary simplicity of a moment— the kind of moment that has a funny way of making a person believe that life and love can last forever.
Tiffanie DeBartoloTalent? That's not talent. Talent is Liza Minnelli tap dancing and singing at the same time. What I just saw was devastation. Dying man on the cross. Salvation in B minor.
Tiffanie DeBartoloThis is what it means to be in the middle of love, I thought. Being in the middle of love is like being in the middle of a war zone.
Tiffanie DeBartolo