I have found that sharing this very intimate part of my life has been really powerful, because it has brought support from people I wasn't expecting. It's cathartic on many different levels. As I get older, I realize it's so much better to connect with people. It makes everything better to connect. Only connect. Why not have my art be about that? I think of it as moving from the third person to the first.
Tiffany ShlainWe created computers as an extension of our brains, and now we're connecting through those computers and the Internet cloud as a way of expanding them.
Tiffany ShlainI think New York is much more focused on what you're doing. You have to try harder to make sure you have balance in your life. I love New York. It's so exciting. There's so many interesting people here. I just feel like anything can happen. You can make so much happen quickly here. I love it.
Tiffany ShlainThrough a lot of scientific and left-hemisphere thinking in the last 400 years, we've separated ourselves from nature, as if we were superior. We were looking at nature as a resource that we could manipulate. I think we're coming to a new understanding that it's just impossible. We are nature. We can't remove ourselves. We need to think more interdependently.
Tiffany ShlainYou need to imagine your gift, the thing you can bring to this world. There's so many creative ways to plug in, connect, engage and contribute. You can be really creative about it. In previous generations, it was so much more cookie-cutter. I don't think that's the case anymore. My career has been so not normal.
Tiffany Shlain