Respond to stressful times by turning towards each other, rather than away from each other.
Tim DeChristopherBeing forcefully rattled out of our consumer mentality - our addiction to comfort and convenience can create an opportunity for us [people] to reconnect with what we really value and with the qualities of life that really can sustain us - which include reconnecting with our roles as citizens, community members, and human beings.
Tim DeChristopherI don't think a worship of nature is necessary to mount a really strong defense of the environment.
Tim DeChristopherWith a nonviolent movement we are still inviting a strong reaction from the government or ruling authorities. We are inviting a powerful reaction against ourselves. But it undermines the moral legitimacy of our current government. That is the path we need to pursue. Rather than reinforcing their legitimacy we need to undermine their legitimacy.
Tim DeChristopher