A lot of people are actually surprised when I do open up my mouth and smile a little bit, and crack a joke and drink a beer.
Tim KangAnd then, one acting class turned into two, turned into four, and then turned into, "I love this. I could do this for the rest of my life. But, I don't have a background in acting. I never acted in college, or did anything like that. How can I go about doing this?" That meant going to grad school and getting some training, and I did. I literally walked down the path. It was real fortuitous for me to walk by that school, that one morning.
Tim KangI don't go into it trying to be this or that because that completely taints and corrupts the work that you're trying to do. But, I'm thankful and that definitely was a surprise. Hopefully, I'll keep doing stuff that remains interesting and fun for the audience.
Tim KangI was working in financing. I was buying and selling stocks for a market-maker on the options floor at the Pacific Stock Exchange. He took me under his wing and was training me to take over his accounts. That's the career I had embarked on, at the time.
Tim KangAs actors, we try to just do the character justice and try to make the writer's intentions come to life. If you do that to the best of your ability, that's really all you can do. All that other stuff, like a warm reception from fans and viewers, is just icing.
Tim KangI did more research into the police procedure. I worked out with SWAT guys and ex- and active military guys, and consulted with them and read books. As far as the character itself, I don't know how you can research being a focused guy, aside from just being a focused person and knowing what that's like. Outside of the character background and all that, there wasn't a whole lot of other stuff to really delve into. You just do what you do.
Tim Kang