To stay away from Christianity because part of the Bible’s teaching is offensive to you assumes that if there is a God he wouldn’t have any views that upset you. Does that belief make sense? If you don’t trust the Bible enough to let it challenge and correct your thinking, how could you ever have a personal relationship with God? In any truly personal relationship, the other person has to be able to contradict you.
Timothy KellerWhen you listen and read one thinker, you become a clone… two thinkers, you become confused… ten thinkers, you’ll begin developing your own voice… two or three hundred thinkers, you become wise and develop your voice.
Timothy KellerMost apologetic books are really written for Christians, even the ones that purport to be written for non-believers.
Timothy KellerUnless you believe the gospel, everything you do will be driven by either pride or fear.
Timothy KellerPrayer is never just an emergency flare or desperate anxious gamble. God's attention is not based on our performance but parental love.
Timothy KellerI am a Christian resident of New York City. I simply read things the other Manhattanites read (NY Times, New Yorker magazine, Wall Street Journal, and many of the books they read) plus all my Christian reading. I don't do anything special to understand skeptics. I also talk to a lot of skeptics and read things they point to.
Timothy Keller