[T]he main problem in life is sin, and the only solution is God and his grace. The alternative to this view is to identify something besides sin as the main problem with the world and something besides God as the main remedy. That demonizes something that is not completely bad, and makes an idol out of something that cannot be the ultimate good.
Timothy KellerThis is the humbling truth that lies at the heart of Christianity. We love to be our own saviors. Our hearts love to manufacture glory for themselves. So we find messages of self-salvation extremely attractive, whether they are religious (Keep these rules and you earn eternal blessing) or secular (Grab hold of these things and you’ll experience blessing now).
Timothy KellerIf your god never disagrees with you, you might just be worshipping an idealized version of yourself.
Timothy KellerLove is primarily giving. It’s an action that leads to a feeling, not a feeling first.
Timothy Keller