When I left my home within society to live amongst the Grizzly's I went there so that I could sacrifice myself to something which was even more chaotic than the drinking and drug abuse. When I made the wholehearted attempt such as it was to 'save' the Grizzly's I wanted to actually save myself. The animals only later on became my life as well as my directive principle, not because they desired a human to protect them, rather because I wanted to do for them what is humanly possible when faced with such possibilities.
Timothy TreadwellNo other method in this world is able to cure/rectify the demons that exist within human beings in this world - only nature and the animal kingdom, but you also have to bring through your participation and diligent application in facing the demons within.
Timothy TreadwellWhen you see where it is you're going, yet you are unable to sacrifice yourself to set yourself free then remember that from my experience you are able to just push harder than you ever 'thought' yourself capable of. Once one being sets themselves free from the chaos and becomes the living example of freedom then surely you are indeed free to do the same.
Timothy TreadwellI would like to assist these beings who aren't aware that they are actually to assist nature so that they are able to fully realise themselves to be that which they are to become. Luckily for me I prepared the way for others who don't understand themselves by pushing past all limitations and standing up. I prepared the way for those who are not aware of what is to step forth in their lives as their purpose and who are unable to place themselves without forgetting what they are here to do.
Timothy TreadwellJust because your direction has never been clear to you does not mean that you must give up.
Timothy TreadwellI was 'alone' amongst the animal kingdom and I required of myself to see what was truly going on inside me so that my own true potential could step forth. Therefore I died so that heaven could show me who I had become, within that showing me to myself as who I am, what I am going to be doing and where all of you fit into the picture.
Timothy Treadwell