I would like to assist these beings who aren't aware that they are actually to assist nature so that they are able to fully realise themselves to be that which they are to become. Luckily for me I prepared the way for others who don't understand themselves by pushing past all limitations and standing up. I prepared the way for those who are not aware of what is to step forth in their lives as their purpose and who are unable to place themselves without forgetting what they are here to do.
Timothy TreadwellIn the next 10 years there will be about 100 000 people who will be preparing the way for themselves with the assistance of their guides (all human beings have a dimensional being walking beside them). They will all be assisting themselves as part of the preparation by becoming aware of how animals have been separated from humans and how we are able to bring oneness into the hereness.
Timothy TreadwellDeath is inevitable from the perspective that, if you're done here on earth, you have completed what is necessary to have been done here and you are now ready to further the discovery/growth of self which occur in the dimensions - it's time to go.
Timothy Treadwell