Explicit material is available in a variety of forums - from popular music to television to the Internet.
Tipper GoreWe know that mental illness is not something that happens to other people. It touches us all. Why then is mental illness met with so much misunderstanding and fear?
Tipper GoreThese are all voluntary resources which help parents sort out the choices without infringing on the artists rights to free speech, which is something that we respect.
Tipper GoreThe Lourie Center is an important model to consider...(in) mental health care... It is imperative that we use this knowledge to help ensure that every young child in our society has the opportunity to get an emotionally healthy start in life.
Tipper GoreI have long recognized a link between fitness and mental health and I think we need to encourage young people to take part in sports and team activities because we know it has such positive results.
Tipper GoreJust this week, my husband proposed a plan for schools and libraries to develop their own plans to keep children from finding indecent material on the Internet as an alternative to a Congressional proposal that would require a federally mandated solution.
Tipper GoreIt was an idea we had when Al was in the Senate - to organize and moderate an annual conference that would look at government policy through the lens of the family to help identify ways that the family can be supported and strengthened.
Tipper GoreWe use tools such as email, not just as a way to keep in daily touch with family members who live in other cities, but also as a way to keep in touch with staff and members of the public.
Tipper GorePopular culture is morally bankrupt, flagrantly licentious and utterly materialistic-and Madonna is the worst of all.
Tipper GoreAs an avid photographer, I also took advantage of the latest technology in photography - digital photography - to post photos on my website on a daily basis.
Tipper GoreEating disorders can have serious medical and psychological consequences which, left unchecked, can kill. Parents should address this issue and ask their children to discuss how they feel about themselves.
Tipper GoreOur society's strong emphasis on dieting and self-image can sometimes lead to eating disorders. We know that more than 5 million Americans suffer from eating disorders, most of them young women.
Tipper Gore