To be desired by those who are themselves highly desirable is in itself an aphrodisiac.
Tobsha LearnerI was very fierce and very driven at eighteen. But my basic philosophy I think has stayed the same, I'm still an atheist, I still believe strongly in the power of free will (despite the mysticism in my prose). I don't believe in the notion of a pre-ordained destiny, and I think because of the sudden death of my father at sixteen I learnt then that it is essential to live life to the fullest as it could be snatched away at any second.
Tobsha LearnerStarting a new novel is a little like starting a new relationship - you have to be prepared to commit for at least three years and put up with the domestic tedium as well as the emotional highs!
Tobsha LearnerThis may be the very nature of love, a passion as fickle as the sea, full of certainty when the object of desire is absent, yet dubious when confronted again with the lover's presence.
Tobsha LearnerEverything flows from God, but we are limited by imposing our human perceptions upon him. Man designs God according to his own image and the image man has of himself is flawed.
Tobsha LearnerSo many of man's actions appear to have no immediate consequence but, concealed, do their work until finally all catches up and forms a complex web of cause and effect.
Tobsha LearnerWe cannot choose the times we live in. Just as, sometimes, we cannot choose whom we love.
Tobsha LearnerA man who denies his past is a man who truly denies himself a future, for he refuses to know himself, and to deny knowledge of oneself is to stumble through life as handicapped as the blind mute.
Tobsha LearnerRewrite, rewrite, rewrite, don't be precious about your first draft, it's an architectural blueprint to a whole building, be your own worst critic, confront your weakness and remember it's a craft.
Tobsha LearnerIt seems to me that women are freed from their responsibilities only when they are merry widows or eccentric old spinsters.
Tobsha LearnerAs a reader I like both great characterization and fast moving plots. The challenge is to balance the both and not compromise one for the other.
Tobsha LearnerTwo bones fell down my chimney and into the bedroom this morning. Hysterical thing to happen to a thriller writer. Murderous ravens perhaps?
Tobsha LearnerIndeed, you become what you eat. In which case I am an onion. Layered, slightly sour and guaranteed to bring tears to the eyes.
Tobsha LearnerLove wasn't a piece of music you could play over and over again with different interpretations. It actually needed to be improvised as you went along.
Tobsha LearnerThe worst enemy is one whose doctrines are founded in hate and are thus beyond debate.
Tobsha LearnerThe novelist is more a marathon runner than long-distance runner and the kind of courage it takes working in such isolation cannot be underestimated. I really respect my fellow writers on this front.
Tobsha LearnerNo, what Great Aunt Winifred was suffering from was the persecution every happily single woman suffers: the predictable social condemnation of her independence and childlessness. Dorothy reminded herself of what she'd learned during a university course on feminist history (with a strong Marxist slant): spinsters are a threat to patriarchy.
Tobsha LearnerIntelligence is power; it is the flame behind the spark of intrigue. Find out all the facts and stamp out the fire. Demystify.
Tobsha Learner