When the students in the South, the blacks, started demonstrating, that was the beginning of the time of students becoming a social force around the world.
Tom Hayden[Donald] Trump is fascism, that's all, so we have to find a way to work it out between Hillary [Clinton] and Bernie [Sanders].
Tom HaydenHe likes to take strolls by himself and believes dog-catchers are friendly innkeepers who'll take care of a meal. He's gullible and has never learned to fight back against a ruthless world.
Tom HaydenAnd I've always been very close to my friends and allies in the black community, the Latino community and organized labor.
Tom HaydenNeoconservatives and the Pentagon have good reason to fear the return of the Vietnam Syndrome. The label intentionally suggests a disease, a weakening of the martial will, but the syndrome was actually a healthy American reaction to false White House promises of victory, the propping up of corrupt regimes, crony contracting and cover-ups of civilian casualties during the Vietnam War that are echoed today in the news from Baghdad.
Tom Hayden