Make sure you tell the people you love that you love them. Loudly and often. You never know when it might be too late.
Tom HiddlestonIf you can run around the corner and say hello to someone do that instead of emailing. It's always more rewarding; the connection is always more authentic. If you've got something to say and you can say it someone's face, it's so much better, healthier.
Tom HiddlestonVery honest, I hope. God, I don't know. I hope I'm fun, I hope I am a good time. Spontaneous, surprising, affectionate? I hope, kind. Dancing a lot of dancing. I insist upon dancing. Anywhere. Anytime. The more dancing, the better
Tom HiddlestonYou've got to do something, even if it's just to kick-start the day. I use music. And running.
Tom Hiddleston