I am looking for the novelists whose writing is an extension of their intellect rather than an extension of their neurosis.
Tom RobbinsLove easily confuses us because it is always in flux between illusion and substance, between memory and wish, between contentment and need.
Tom RobbinsLike the Arthurian years at Camelot, the Sixties constituted a breakthrough, a fleeting moment of glory, a time when a significant little chunk of humanity briefly realised its moral potential and flirted with its neurological destiny, a collective spiritual awakening that flared brilliantly until the barbaric and mediocre impulses of the species drew tight once more the curtains of darkness.
Tom RobbinsMuch more than an entertaining set of exaggerated facts, fiction is a metaphoric method of describing, dramatizing and condensing historical events, personal actions, psychological states and the symbolic knowledge encoded within the collective unconscious; things, events and conditions that are otherwise too diffuse and/or complex to be completely digested or appreciated by the prevailing culture.
Tom RobbinsOur purpose is to consciously, deliberately evolve towards a wiser, more liberated and luminous state of being.
Tom RobbinsI could say I believe in every drop of rain that . . . Well, I believe life is a Zen koan, that is, an unsolvable riddle. But the contemplation of that riddle--even though it cannot be solved--is, in itself, transformative. And if the contemplation is of high enough quality, you can merge with the divine.
Tom Robbins