The rural economy is significantly better. Our natural resources, particularly our working lands, are more resilient. And more money is being invested in soil conservation and water preservation. Our forests will be in better shape if Congress does what it needs to do to fix the fire-suppression budget.
Tom VilsackMany young and beginning farmers start out in local markets. Some stay there, and some scale up.
Tom VilsackToday, President Obama is making smart investments in clean energy - wind, solar, biofuels - as part of an all-of-the-above energy strategy that supports thousands of jobs, not in the Middle East, but in the Midwest.
Tom VilsackWhat Republicans have done in my view is that they are systematically dismantling a sense of community in America.
Tom VilsackPeople working together in a strong community with a shared goal and a common purpose can make the impossible possible.
Tom VilsackI think, certainly, Barack Obama has created an opportunity for America to understand that diversity is a blessing, diversity is a strength. It isn't necessarily something to be concerned about. And I think, at the end of the day, we're going to learn that this country operates best when it celebrates and surrounds itself and appreciates diversity, and doesn't shun it.
Tom VilsackWe should also challenge this country to come up with strategies and technologies that allow us to produce nuclear energy without necessarily producing a byproduct that can be converted to something far more dangerous. I believe that can be done. It may not be done tomorrow, but it clearly needs to be worked on.
Tom Vilsack