How can you need so many rods and reels to catch a fish? , she asked, her lips pulled into that weaned on a gherkin look, as she watched me prepare for a fishing trip. Probably for much the same reason that you seem to need 30 pairs of shoes for one pair of feet, I nearly said, but decided to live for another day.
Tony BishopFishing, by its very nature, nourishes the imagination, feeding it with a potent fuel of hope and desire.
Tony BishopPromising to bring home a feed of fish is the absolute kiss of death to any chances of catching anything but a large heap of derision when you get home.
Tony BishopLiving at a beach, near a river mouth, taught him the impotence of impatience at events moving at nature's pace.
Tony Bishop.. the long hour and a half walk-in to the secret pool , only to find four anglers filling it. Secret pools? The only secret about these pools is the name of the one person on the planet who does not know their location!
Tony Bishop