What makes the voice pathetic is that it doesn't know what kind of people it's reaching. Us. No one hears it, except us. This Age wanted heroes. It got us instead: carefully constructed, but immobile. Subtle but, unfit to take up the burden of the times. It happens. A whole generation of washouts. History says stand up, and we totter and collapse, weeping, moved, but not sufficient.
Tony KushnerWe all romp about, grieving, wondering, but with rare exception we mostly remain suspended in the Rhetorical Colloidal Forever that agglutinates between Might and Do.
Tony KushnerI'm not a poet. I wish I was a poet but I'm not. I'm a playwright. And so I have a different set of antecedents.
Tony KushnerThe computer, the noise of the computer feels like impatience. It's sort of the sound of impatience to me.
Tony KushnerI think I'll always be a better playwright than a pundit, but I believe that writers should be public intellectuals and that theater, even more than film, is a place of public debate.
Tony Kushner