There certainly are situations where I feel not empowered or uninspired. Particularly when the person's agenda is to intimidate through abusing their position or their authority. When I am present and in a nonreactive state, then I can become like snake and slide through their "intimidation net" back into the creative plane. When I am in a reactive state, I usually regret responding, because usually all that happens is that the intimidator feels righteously vindicated.
Tori Amosand if there is a way to find you, I will find you. but will you find me if Neil makes me a tree
Tori AmosPeople can be quite bullish with their opinions. That does not mean they have their finger on the pulse. It just means they value their own opinion.
Tori AmosI'm a classic emerald green Sixties Jaguar that nobody can own, but my husband is allowed to drive.
Tori Amos