Au contraire..." "What?" Constance demanded. Curtain blinked. ~ The Perilous Journey
Trenton Lee StewartIf we're just trying to be accurate, then how about 'The Doomed to Fail Bunch'?" said Constance. "Honestly! We can't even name ourselves.
Trenton Lee StewartOh, here's a clever one. Do you remember this question from the first test?It reads, 'What wrong with this statement?' And do you know what Constance wrote in reply? She wrote, 'What's wrong with you?
Trenton Lee StewartWhy, then, do you think the white player might have done it?" Reynie considered. He imagined himself moving out his knight only to bring it right back to where it started. Why would he ever do such a thing? At last he said,"Perhaps because he doubted himself.
Trenton Lee StewartListen, just do what you think is right, and we'll support it." ~ Sticky Washington, The Prisoner's Dilemma
Trenton Lee StewartNicholas Benedict did have an exceptional gift for knowing things (more exceptional, in fact, than most adults would have thought possible), and yet not even he could know that this next chapter was to be the most unusual-and most important-of his entire childhood. Indeed, the strange days that lay ahead would change him forever, though for now they had less substance than the mist through which he ran.
Trenton Lee Stewart