God doesn't want to give Israel a king, because God knows, being the rather observant deity God is, that the Israelites will become like all other nations: they will worship their king and not God.
Tripp YorkLook for a church that might ask that you become poor. A church that is more concerned with showing love to those in need rather than a terrified little church who thinks they "won" because their favorite politician became president.
Tripp YorkThe bureaucratic nature of both capitalism and our government assures us that there are no checks and balances when it comes to justifying any and all behavior that either makes money and secures the supposed peace of the nation-state.
Tripp YorkMany people who live in the USA feel blessed to live in a free country with many opportunities. For this reason, many try to come to the USA, and few ever wish to leave it.
Tripp YorkI hope God does not look like a bunch of wealthy white European dudes who are going to script the justification for the subjugation and legal ownership of other human beings based upon the construction of race as a biological phenomenon.
Tripp YorkI am not going to say that people who enter the military are doing anything wrong. As I often jokingly tell my students, "Many of my best of friends are in the military!" But it's true. Perhaps not in the Aristotelian sense of the word "friendship" but on so many other levels that matter, we are truly friends.
Tripp York