But we are alone, darling child, terribly, isolated each from the other; so fierce is the world's ridicule we cannot speak or show our tenderness; for us, death is stronger than life, it pulls like a wind through the dark, all our cries burlesqued in joyless laughter; and with the garbage of loneliness stuffed down us until our guts burst bleeding green, we go screaming round the world, dying in our rented rooms, nightmare hotels, eternal homes of the transient heart.
Truman CapoteJune, July, all through the warm months she hibernated like a winter animal who did not know spring had come and gone.
Truman CapoteWhen I am writing, I try to do it five hours a day but I spend about two of those just fooling around.
Truman CapoteChampagne does have one regular drawback: swilled as a regular thing a certain sourness settles in the tummy, and the result is permanent bad breath. Really incurable.
Truman Capote