The good news of the gospel [for sufferers] is not an exhortation from above to 'hang on at all costs,' or 'grin and bear it' in the midst of hardship. No, the good news is that God is hanging on to you, and in the end, when all is said and done, the power of God will triumph over every pain and loss.
Tullian TchividjianTo focus on how I'm doing more than what Christ has done is Christian narcissism
Tullian TchividjianWhen you don't know where you fit inside the home and you're young and you're desperate to fit in somewhere, I'd figured where I would fit outside the home. So I made some obviously bad decisions about who I hung out with and the things that I did.
Tullian TchividjianIn 'Surprised by Grace: God's Relentless Pursuit of Rebels,' I retell the story of Jonah and show how Jonah was just as much in need of God's grace as the sailors and the Ninevites.
Tullian TchividjianThere's nothing like suffering to remind us how not in control we actually are, how little power we ultimately have, and how much we ultimately need God.
Tullian TchividjianChristianity is not about good people getting better. If anything, it is good news for bad people coping with their failure to be good. The heart of the Christian faith is Good News, not good advice, good technique, or good behavior. Too many people have walked away from the church, not because theyโre walking away from Jesus, but because the church has walked away from Jesus.
Tullian Tchividjian